Surah At-Takwir – English Transliteration

Basic Surah Info

Surah Number – 81
Number of Ayah – 29
Revealed City – Mecca
Juz Details – Juz 30 Ayah 1-29
Starting Page Number – 586th Page
Translated By Mustafa Khattab

Summary of Surah At-Takwir

Surah At-Takwir, the 81st surah of the Quran, discusses the events that will occur on the Day of Judgment and the signs of the end times. It takes its name from the mention of “At-Takwir” (the folding up) in the surah. It consists of 29 verses.

The surah begins by describing the extraordinary scenes that will take place on the Day of Judgment. It portrays the sun losing its light, the stars falling and losing their brightness, the mountains being set in motion, and the seas being set ablaze. These events symbolize the massive upheaval and transformation of the universe.

Surah At-Takwir emphasizes the state of fear and confusion that will engulf humanity on that Day. It describes people running in disarray, with their hearts pounding and their eyes filled with fear. It emphasizes that the end times will be a time of great turmoil and upheaval.

The surah highlights the accountability of human beings for their actions. It mentions that on the Day of Judgment, people will be questioned about their deeds and their record of actions will be laid bare. It emphasizes that nothing will remain hidden on that Day and that every person will be recompensed according to their actions.

Surah At-Takwir addresses the disbelievers who reject the signs of Allah and warns them about the consequences of their denial. It portrays the disbelievers as those who have turned away from the truth and warns them of the punishment they will face in the Hereafter.

The surah also mentions the righteous believers and their reward. It describes them as those who will be in Paradise, enjoying its blessings and delights. It emphasizes that the righteous will be in a state of peace and contentment, while the disbelievers will be in a state of punishment and regret.

Surah At-Takwir serves as a reminder of the power and authority of Allah, who has control over all creation. It warns of the consequences of denying the signs of Allah and encourages believers to have faith and trust in Him.

In summary, Surah At-Takwir discusses the events that will occur on the Day of Judgment and the signs of the end times. It portrays the scenes of cosmic upheaval and highlights the state of fear and confusion that will prevail. The surah emphasizes the accountability of human beings for their actions and warns the disbelievers of the consequences of their denial. It also mentions the reward of the righteous believers and serves as a reminder of the power and authority of Allah.

Read English Transliteration of Surah At-Takwir

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

1. Izash shamsu kuwwirat

2. Wa izan nujoomun kadarat

3. Wa izal jibaalu suyyirat

4. Wa izal ‘ishaaru ‘uttilat

5. Wa izal wuhooshu hushirat

6. Wa izal bihaaru sujjirat

7. Wa izan nufoosu zuwwijat

8. Wa izal maw’oodatu su’ilat

9. Bi ayyi zambin qutilat

10. Wa izas suhufu nushirat

11. Wa izas samaaa’u kushitat

12. Wa izal jaheemu su’-‘irat

13. Wa izal jannatu uzlifat

14. Alimat nafsum maaa ahdarat

15. Falaaa uqsimu bil khunnas

16. Al jawaaril kunnas

17. Wallaili izaa ‘as’as

18. Wassubhi izaa tanaffas

19. Innahoo laqawlu rasoolin kareem

20. Zee quwwatin ‘inda zil ‘arshi makeen

21. Mutaa’in samma ameen

22. Wa maa saahibukum bimajnoon

23. Wa laqad ra aahu bilufuqil mubeen

24. Wa maa huwa ‘alal ghaibi bidaneen

25. Wa maa huwa biqawli shaitaanir rajeem

26. Fa ayna tazhaboon

27. In huwa illaa zikrul lil’aalameen

28. Liman shaaa’a minkum ai yastaqeem

29. Wa maa tashaaa’oona illaaa ai yashaaa ‘al laahu Rabbul ‘Aalameen

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