Surah At-Takathur – English Transliteration

Basic Surah Info

Surah Number – 102
Number of Ayah – 8
Revealed City – Mecca
Juz Details – Juz 30 Ayah 1-8
Starting Page Number – 600th Page

Summary of Surah At-Takathur

Surah At-Takathur, the 102nd surah of the Quran, highlights the obsession of human beings with worldly possessions and their tendency to compete with one another in accumulating wealth and material possessions. It warns about the transitory nature of worldly pursuits and reminds individuals of the ultimate purpose of life. It consists of 8 verses.

The surah begins by highlighting the competitive nature of human beings. It emphasizes their preoccupation with the abundance of worldly possessions, whether it be wealth, children, or material resources. People become engrossed in seeking more and more of these worldly pleasures, often neglecting the true purpose of life.

Surah At-Takathur reminds individuals that their obsession with worldly gains is a distraction from the remembrance of Allah and the pursuit of righteousness. It warns that this pursuit of material wealth and worldly success is transient and does not bring true contentment and fulfillment.

The surah emphasizes that despite their competing efforts to accumulate wealth, people will eventually realize the insignificance and temporary nature of worldly possessions when they face the reality of death. At that point, the true measure of success and worth will be based on one’s righteousness and devotion to Allah.

Surah At-Takathur highlights that on the Day of Judgment, individuals will be held accountable for their actions and their attachment to worldly possessions. The surah emphasizes that worldly pursuits and wealth accumulation should not be the primary focus of one’s life but rather the pursuit of piety, good deeds, and a righteous lifestyle.

In summary, Surah At-Takathur highlights the obsession of human beings with worldly possessions and their tendency to compete in accumulating wealth. It warns about the transitory nature of worldly pursuits and reminds individuals of the ultimate purpose of life. The surah encourages individuals to prioritize the remembrance of Allah, righteous deeds, and the pursuit of a meaningful and fulfilling life.

Read English Transliteration of Surah At-Takathur

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

1. Al haaku mut takathur

2. Hatta zurtumul-maqaabir

3. Kalla sawfa ta’lamoon

4. Thumma kalla sawfa ta’lamoon

5. Kalla law ta’lamoona ‘ilmal yaqeen

6. Latara-wun nal jaheem

7. Thumma latara wunnaha ‘ainal yaqeen

8. Thumma latus alunna yauma-izin ‘anin na’eem

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