Surah As-Sajdah – English Transliteration

Basic Surah Info

Surah Number – 32
Number of Ayah – 30
Revealed City – Mecca
Juz Details – Juz 21 Ayah 1-30
Starting Page Number – 415th Page

Summary of Surah As-Sajdah

Surah As-Sajdah, meaning “The Prostration,” is the 32nd surah of the Quran. It consists of 30 verses and emphasizes the importance of recognizing the signs of Allah, the reality of the Day of Judgment, and the significance of prostration in worship.

The surah begins by highlighting the revelation of the Quran as a guide and a source of wisdom. It emphasizes that those who reflect upon its verses and follow its guidance will attain success in this life and the Hereafter.

Surah As-Sajdah discusses the creation of the heavens and the earth and the signs of Allah’s existence and power. It encourages the believers to ponder over the creation and to recognize Allah’s sovereignty and control over all things.

The surah emphasizes the reality of the Day of Judgment and the resurrection. It describes the scene of people being brought forth from their graves and being held accountable for their actions in the presence of Allah. It reminds the believers that they will be rewarded for their good deeds and that the disbelievers will face the consequences of their disbelief.

Surah As-Sajdah highlights the importance of prostration in worship as a means of expressing humility, gratitude, and submission to Allah. It describes the believers’ prostration in prayer and their recognition of Allah’s greatness and authority.

The surah mentions the different reactions of people to the message of Islam. It acknowledges that some will accept the guidance and others will reject it. It reassures the believers that they should remain patient and steadfast in their faith, regardless of the opposition they may face.

Surah As-Sajdah concludes by affirming the truthfulness of the Quran and the importance of following its guidance. It emphasizes that Allah is aware of everything, including the intentions and actions of people. It reminds the believers that they will be held accountable for their choices and actions in the Hereafter.

In summary, Surah As-Sajdah focuses on the themes of recognizing the signs of Allah, the reality of the Day of Judgment, and the significance of prostration in worship. It encourages reflection upon the creation, emphasizes the importance of following the guidance of the Quran, and urges the believers to remain patient and steadfast in their faith. The surah also reminds the believers of the accountability they will face in the Hereafter and affirms the truthfulness of the Quran as a source of guidance.

Read English Transliteration of Surah As-Sajdah

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

1. Alif-Laaam-Meeem

2. Tanzeelul Kitaabi laa raiba feehi mir rabbil ‘aalameen

3. Am yaqooloonaf taraahu bal huwal haqqu mir rabbika litunzira qawma maaa ataahum min nazeerim min qablika la’allahum yahtadoon

4. Allaahul lazee khalaqas samaawaati wal arda wa maa bainahumaa fee sittati ayyaamin thummas tawaa ‘alal ‘arsh; maa lakum min doonihee minw-waliyyinw-wala shafee’; afalaa tatazakkaroon

5. Yudabbirul amra minas samaaa’i ilal ardi thumma ya’ruju ilaihi fee yawmin kaana miqdaaruhooo alfa sanatim mimmaa ta’uddoon

6. Zaalika ‘aalimul ghaybi wa shahaadatil ‘azeezur raheem

7. Allazee ahsana kulla shai in khalaqa; wa bada a khalqal insaani min teen

8. Thumma ja’ala naslahoo min sulaalatim mim maaa’immaheen

9. Thumma sawwaahu wa nafakha feehi mir roohihih; wa ja’ala lakumus sam’a wal-absaara wal-af’idah; qaleelam maa tashkuroon

10. Wa qaalooo ‘a-izaa dalalnaa fil ardi ‘a-innaa lafee khalqin jadeed; bal hum biliqaaa’i rabbihim kaafiroon

11. Qul yatawaffaakum malakul mawtil lazee wukkila bikum Thumma ilaa rabbikum turja’oon

12. Wa law taraaa izil mujrimoona naakisoo ru’oosihim ‘inda rabbihim rabbanaaa absarnaa wa sami’naa farji’naa na’mal saalihan innaa mooqinoon

13. Wa law shi’naa la-aatainaa kulla nafsin hudaahaa wa laakin haqqal qawlu minnee la amla’anna jahannama minal jinnati wannaasi ajma’een

14. Fazooqoo bimaa naseetum liqaaa’a yawmikum haaza innaa naseenaakum wa zooqoo ‘azaabal khuldi bimaa kuntum ta’maloon

15. Innamaa yu’minu bi aayaatinal lazeena izaa zukkiroo bihaa kharroo sujjadanw wa sabbahoo bihamdi rabbihim wa hum laa yastakbiroon (make sajda)

16. Tatajaafaa junoobuhum ‘anil madaaji’i yad’oona rabbahum khawfanw wa tama’anw wa mimmaa razaqnaahum yunfiqoon

17. Falaa ta’lamu nafsum maaa ukhfiya lahum min qurrati a’yunin jazaaa’am bimaa kaanoo ya’maloon

18. Afaman kaana mu’minan kaman kaana faasiqaa; laa yasta woon

19. Ammal lazeena aamanoo wa ‘amilus saalihaati falahum jannaatul ma’waa nuzulam bimaa kaanoo ya’maloon

20. Wa ammal lazeena fasaqoo fama’waahumun Naaru kullamaaa araadooo any yakhrujoo minhaaa u’eedoo feehaa wa qeela lahum zooqoo ‘azaaaban Naaril lazee kuntum bihee tukazziboon

21. Wa lanuzeeqan nahum minal ‘azaabil adnaa doonal ‘azaabil akbari la’allahum yarji’oon

22. Wa man azlamu mimman zukkira bi aayaati rabbihee summa a’rada ‘anhaa; innaa minal mujrimeena muntaqimoon

23. Wa laqad aatainaa Moosal Kitaaba falaa takun fee miryatim mil liqaaa’ihee wa ja’alnaahu hudal li Baneee Israaa’eel

24. Wa ja’alnaa minhum a’immatany yahdoona bi amrinaa lammaa sabaroo wa kaanoo bi aayaatinaa yooqinoon

25. Inna rabbaka huwa yafsilu bainahum yawmal qiyaamati feemaa kaanoo feehi yakhtalifoon

26. Awalam yahdi lahum kam ahlaknaa min qablihim minal qurooni yamshoona fee masaakinihim; inna fee zaalika la aayaatin afalaa yasma’oon

27. Awalam yaraw annaa nasooqul maaa’a ilal ardil juruzi fanukhriju bihee zar’an ta’kulu minhu an’aamuhum wa anfusuhum afalaa yubsiroon

28. Wa yaqooloona mataa haazal fath hu in kuntum saadiqeen

29. Qul yawmal fath hi laa yanfa’ul lazeena kafarooo eemaanuhum wa laa hum yunzaroon

30. Fa a’rid ‘anhum wantazir innahum muntaziroon

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