Surah An-Naziat – English Transliteration

Basic Surah Info

Surah Number – 79
Number of Ayah – 46
Revealed City – Mecca
Juz Details – Juz 30 Ayah 1-46
Starting Page Number – 583th Page

Summary of Surah An-Naziat

Surah An-Naziat, the 79th surah of the Quran, focuses on the Day of Judgment and the power of Allah in bringing about its occurrence. It takes its name from the mention of “An-Naziat” (those who drag forth) in the surah. It consists of 46 verses.

The surah begins by describing the angels who swiftly carry out Allah’s commands, particularly those related to the events of the Day of Judgment. It portrays the angels as powerful beings who snatch away the souls of people at the time of their death and who will be active in the resurrection and accountability of human beings.

Surah An-Naziat highlights the scenes and events of the Day of Judgment, emphasizing the power and control of Allah. It depicts the earth shaking, the mountains being uprooted, and the seas bursting forth. It describes people being resurrected from their graves and standing before their Lord for judgment.

The surah emphasizes the accountability of human beings for their actions. It emphasizes that every person’s deeds, even the smallest of actions, will be recorded and brought forth as evidence. It highlights the fact that people will be fully aware of their actions and the consequences thereof.

Surah An-Naziat mentions the different categories of people on the Day of Judgment. It describes the righteous as those who will be in bliss and joy, dwelling in Paradise and enjoying its pleasures. On the other hand, it portrays the disbelievers and wrongdoers as those who will face the punishment of Hellfire.

The surah warns of the imminent occurrence of the Day of Judgment and the importance of preparing for it. It serves as a reminder that the life of this world is temporary and fleeting, and the true abode is the Hereafter. It urges listeners to reflect on the signs of Allah and seek His forgiveness and mercy.

Surah An-Naziat concludes by affirming the authority and power of Allah as the Creator and Sustainer of all beings. It emphasizes that the Quran is a noble revelation, not the words of a poet or soothsayer, and it contains a warning and guidance for those who believe and fear Allah.

In summary, Surah An-Naziat focuses on the Day of Judgment and the power of Allah in bringing it about. It describes the scenes and events of that Day, emphasizes the accountability of human beings for their actions, and highlights the contrasting outcomes of the righteous and the disbelievers. The surah warns of the imminent occurrence of the Day of Judgment and urges reflection on the signs of Allah. It concludes by affirming the authority of Allah and the significance of the Quran as a divine revelation.

Read English Transliteration of Surah An-Naziat

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

1. Wan naazi ‘aati gharqa

2. Wan naa shi taati nashta

3. Wass saabi-haati sabha

4. Fass saabi qaati sabqa

5. Fal mu dab-bi raati amra

6. Yawma tarjufur raajifa

7. Tatba’u har raadifa

8. Quloobuny-yau maaiziw-waaji-fa

9. Absaa ruhaa khashi’ah

10. Ya qoo loona a-inna lamar doo doona fil haafirah

11. Aizaa kunna ‘izaa man-nakhirah

12. Qaalu tilka izan karratun khaasirah.

13. Fa inna ma hiya zajratuw-waahida

14. Faizaa hum biss saahirah

15. Hal ataaka hadeethu Musaa

16. Iz nadaahu rabbuhu bil waadil-muqad dasi tuwa

17. Izhab ilaa fir’auna innahu taghaa.

18. Faqul hal laka ilaa-an tazakka.

19. Wa ahdi yaka ila rabbika fatakh sha

20. Fa araahul-aayatal kubra.

21. Fa kazzaba wa asaa.

22. Thumma adbara yas’aa.

23. Fa hashara fanada.

24. Faqala ana rabbu kumul-a’laa.

25. Fa-akha zahul laahu nakalal aakhirati wal-oola.

26. Inna fee zaalika la’ibratal limaiy-yaksha

27. A-antum a shaddu khalqan amis samaa-u banaaha.

28. Raf’a sam kaha fasaw waaha

29. Wa aghtasha lailaha wa akhraja duhaaha.

30. Wal arda b’ada zaalika dahaaha.

31. Akhraja minha maa-aha wa mar ‘aaha.

32. Wal jibala arsaaha.

33. Mataa’al lakum wali an ‘aamikum.

34. Fa-izaa jaaa’atit taaam matul kubraa.

35. Yauma Yata zakkarul insaanu ma sa’aa.

36. Wa burrizatil-jaheemu limany-yaraa.

37. Fa ammaa man taghaa.

38. Wa aasaral hayaatad dunyaa

39. Fa innal jaheema hiyal maawaa.

40. Wa ammaa man khaafa maqaama Rabbihee wa nahan nafsa ‘anil hawaa

41. Fa innal jannata hiyal ma’waa

42. Yas’aloonaka ‘anis saa’ati ayyaana mursaahaa

43. Feema anta min zikraahaa

44. Ilaa Rabbika muntahaa haa

45. Innamaaa anta munziru maiy yakshaahaa

46. Ka annahum Yawma yarawnahaa lam yalbasooo illaa ‘ashiyyatan aw duhaahaa

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