Surah An-Najm – English Transliteration

Basic Surah Info

Surah Number – 53
Number of Ayah – 62
Revealed City – Mecca
Juz Details – Juz 27 Ayah 1-62
Starting Page Number – 526th Page

Summary of Surah An-Najm

Surah An-Najm, the 53rd surah of the Quran, emphasizes the truth of the message of Islam, the Prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon him), and the importance of worshiping Allah alone. It consists of 62 verses.

The surah begins by highlighting the vision of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) during the Night Journey (Isra) and the Ascension (Mi’raj). It describes the scene where the Prophet received divine revelations directly from Allah and witnessed various signs and wonders.

Surah An-Najm emphasizes the importance of obeying and following the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It clarifies that he does not speak out of desire or personal whim but conveys the revelations and guidance from Allah.

The surah refutes the false claims of the disbelievers who accused the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) of fabricating the Quran. It stresses that the Quran is a revelation from Allah and not the words of a human being.

Surah An-Najm warns against worshiping idols and false deities. It emphasizes the oneness of Allah and the need to direct all worship and devotion to Him alone.

The surah emphasizes the justice and wisdom of Allah. It reminds the disbelievers that they will be held accountable for their actions on the Day of Judgment and that Allah’s punishment is just and inevitable.

Surah An-Najm describes the scene of the Day of Judgment, where every soul will be recompensed according to its deeds. It emphasizes that no intercessor can avail on that day except by Allah’s permission.

The surah concludes by highlighting the need to humble oneself in worship and submission to Allah. It encourages the believers to prostrate and draw near to Allah in sincere devotion.

In summary, Surah An-Najm emphasizes the truth of the message of Islam, affirms the Prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon him), refutes false accusations, and stresses the oneness of Allah. The surah warns against idol worship, highlights the justice of Allah, and emphasizes the accountability on the Day of Judgment. It serves as a reminder of the importance of following the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and directing all worship to Allah alone.

Read English Transliteration of Surah An-Najm

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

1. Wannajmi izaa hawaa

2. Maa dalla saahibukum wa maa ghawaa

3. Wa maa yyantiqu ‘anilhawaaa

4. In huwa illaa Wahyuny yoohaa

5. Allamahoo shadeedul quwaa

6. Zoo mirratin fastawaa

7. Wa huwa bil ufuqil a’laa

8. Summa danaa fatadalla

9. Fakaana qaaba qawsaini aw adnaa

10. Fa awhaaa ilaa ‘abdihee maaa awhaa

11. Maa kazabal fu’aadu maa ra aa

12. Afatumaaroonahoo ‘alaa maayaraa

13. Wa laqad ra aahu nazlatan ukhraa

14. Inda sidratil muntaha

15. Indahaa jannatul maawaa

16. Iz yaghshas sidrata maa yaghshaa

17. Maa zaaghal basaru wa maa taghaa

18. Laqad ra aa min aayaati Rabbihil kubraaa

19. Afara’aytumul laata wal ‘uzzaa

20. Wa manaatas saalisatal ukhraa

21. A-lakumuz zakaru wa lahul unsaa

22. Tilka izan qismatun deezaa

23. In hiya illaaa asmaaa’un sammaitumoohaaa antum wa aabaaa’ukum maaa anzalal laahu bihaa min sultaan; inyyattabi’oona illaz zanna wa maa tahwal anfusu wa laqad jaaa’ahum mir Rabbihimul hudaa

24. Am lil insaani maa taman naa

25. Falillaahil aakhiratu wal oolaa

26. Wa kam mim malakin fissamaawaati laa tughnee shafaa’atuhum shai’an illaa mim ba’di anyyaazanal laahu limany yashaaa’u wa yardaa

27. innal lazeena laa yu’minoona bil aakhirati la yusammoonal malaaa’ikata tasmiyatal unsaa

28. Wa maa lahum bihee min ‘ilmin iny yattabi’oona illaz zanna wa innaz zanna laa yughnee minal haqqi shai’aa

29. Fa a’rid ‘am man tawallaa ‘an zikrinaa wa lam yurid illal hayaatad dunyaa

30. Zalika mablaghuhum minal ‘ilm; inna rabbaka huwa a’lamu biman dalla ‘an sabee lihee wa huwa a’lamu bimanih tadaa

31. Wa lillaahi maa fis samaawaati wa maa fil ardi liyajziyal lazeena asaaa’oo bimaa ‘amiloo wa yajziyal lazeena ahsanoo bilhusnaa

32. Allazeena yajtaniboona kabaaa’iral ismi walfawaa hisha illal lamam; inna rabbaka waasi’ul maghfirah; huwa a’lamu bikum iz ansha akum minal ardi wa iz antum ajinnatun fee butooni umma haatikum falaa tuzakkooo anfusakum huwa a’lamu bimanit taqaa

33. Afara’ayatal lazee tawallaa

34. Wa a’taa qaleelanw wa akdaa

35. A’indahoo ‘ilmul ghaibi fahuwa yaraa

36. Am lam yunabbaa bimaa fee suhuhfi Moosa

37. Wa Ibraaheemal lazee waffaaa

38. Allaa taziru waaziratunw wizra ukhraa

39. Wa al laisa lil insaani illaa maa sa’aa

40. Wa anna sa’yahoo sawfa yuraa

41. Summa yujzaahul jazaaa ‘al awfaa

42. Wa anna ilaa rabbikal muntahaa

43. Wa annahoo huwa adhaka wa abkaa

44. Wa annahoo huwa amaata wa ahyaa

45. Wa annahoo khalaqaz zawjainiz zakara wal unsaa

46. Min nutfatin izaa tumnaa

47. Wa anna ‘alaihin nash atal ukhraa

48. Wa annahoo huwa aghnaa wa aqnaa

49. Wa annahoo huwa rabbush shi’raa

50. Wa annahooo ahlak a ‘Aadanil oolaa

51. Wa samooda famaaa abqaa

52. Wa qawma Noohim min qablu innahum kaanoo hum azlama wa atghaa

53. Wal mu’tafikata ahwaa

54. Faghashshaahaa maa ghashshaa

55. Fabi ayyi aalaaa’i Rabbika tatamaaraa

56. Haazaa nazeerum minan nuzuril oolaa

57. Azifatil aazifah

58. Laisa lahaa min doonil laahi kaashifah

59. Afamin hazal hadeesi ta’jaboon

60. Wa tadhakoona wa laa tabkoon

61. Wa antum saamidoon

62. Fasjudoo lillaahi wa’budoo (make sajda)

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