Surah An-Naba – English Transliteration

Basic Surah Info

Surah Number – 78
Number of Ayah – 40
Revealed City – Mecca
Juz Details – Juz 30 Ayah 1-40
Starting Page Number – 582th Page

Summary of Surah An-Naziat

Surah An-Naba, the 78th surah of the Quran, discusses the Day of Judgment and the reality of the Hereafter. It takes its name from the mention of “An-Naba” (the News) in the surah. It consists of 40 verses.

The surah begins by posing a rhetorical question about the great news (An-Naba) that will occur. It emphasizes that people are indifferent and heedless of this news, despite its immense importance.

Surah An-Naba describes the scenes and events of the Day of Judgment, highlighting the awe-inspiring nature of that Day. It portrays the earth and the mountains being shaken and scattered, the sky splitting apart, and people being resurrected and gathered before Allah for judgment.

The surah emphasizes the accountability of human beings for their actions. It states that every person’s deeds will be presented to them, and they will be fully aware of their actions and the consequences thereof. The righteous will be rewarded with Paradise, while the disbelievers will face the punishment of Hellfire.

Surah An-Naba contrasts the outcome of the righteous and the disbelievers. It describes the blissful rewards, delights, and pleasures that await the righteous believers in Paradise. It also vividly portrays the torment, anguish, and regrets that the disbelievers will experience in Hellfire.

The surah highlights the significance of reflecting upon the signs of Allah in the universe as a means to recognize His power and appreciate His blessings. It emphasizes that the Day of Judgment is not a mere myth or fabrication but a reality that will certainly come to pass.

Surah An-Naba concludes by reiterating the importance of the Quran as a source of guidance and admonition. It encourages the listeners to pay attention to its message, heed the warnings, and follow the guidance provided by Allah.

In summary, Surah An-Naba discusses the Day of Judgment and the reality of the Hereafter. It highlights the scenes and events of that Day, the accountability of human beings for their actions, and the contrast in outcomes between the righteous and the disbelievers. The surah emphasizes the importance of reflecting on the signs of Allah and the significance of the Quran as a source of guidance.

Read English Transliteration of Surah An-Naba

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
1. Amma Yatasaa-aloon
2. Anin-nabaa-il ‘azeem
3. Allazi hum feehi mukh talifoon
4. Kallaa sa y’alamoon
5. Thumma kallaa sa y’alamoon
6. Alam naj’alil arda mihaa da
7. Wal jibaala au taada
8. Wa khalaq naakum azwaaja
9. Waja’alna naumakum subata
10. Waja’alnal laila libasa
11. Waja’alnan nahara ma ‘aasha
12. Wa banaina fauqakum sab ‘an shi daada
13. Waja’alna siraajaw wah haaja
14. Wa anzalna minal m’usiraati maa-an thaj-jaaja
15. Linukh rija bihee habbaw wana baata
16. Wa jan naatin alfafa
17. Inna yaumal-fasli kana meeqaata
18. Yauma yun fakhu fis-soori fataa’ toona afwaaja
19. Wa futiha tis samaa-u fakaanat abwaaba
20. Wa suyyi raatil jibaalu fa kaanat saraaba
21. Inna jahan nama kaanat mirsaada
22. Lit taa gheena ma aaba
23. Laa bitheena feehaa ahqaaba
24. Laa ya zooqoona feeha bar daw walaa sharaaba
25. Illa hamee maw-wa ghas saaqa
26. Jazaa-aw wi faaqa
27. Innahum kaanu laa yarjoona hisaaba
28. Wa kazzabu bi aayaa tina kizzaba
29. Wa kulla shai-in ahsai naahu kitaa ba
30. Fa zooqoo falan-nazee dakum ill-laa azaaba
31. Inna lil mutta qeena mafaaza
32. Hadaa-iqa wa a’anaa ba
33. Wa kaawa ‘iba at raaba
34. Wa ka’san di haaqa
35. Laa yasma’oona fiha lagh waw walaa kizzaba
36. Jazaa-am mir-rabbika ataa-an hisaaba
37. Rabbis samaa waati wal ardi wa maa baina humar rahmaani laa yam likoona minhu khitaaba
38. Yauma yaqoo mur roohu wal malaa-ikatu saf-fal laa yatakallamoona ill-laa man azina lahur rahmaanu wa qaala sawaaba
39. Zaalikal yaumul haqqu faman shaa-at ta khaaza ill-laa rabbihi ma-aaba
40. In naa anzar naakum azaaban qareebaiy-yauma yan zurul marr-u maa qaddamat yadaahu wa ya qoolul-kaafiru yaa lai tanee kuntu turaaba

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