Surah Al-Qiyamah – English Translation

Basic Surah Info

Surah Number – 75
Number of Ayah – 40
Revealed City – Mecca
Juz Details – Juz 29 Ayah 1-40
Starting Page Number – 577th Page
Translated By Mustafa Khattab

Summary of Surah Al-Qiyamah

Surah Al-Qiyamah, the 75th surah of the Quran, focuses on the concept of the Day of Resurrection and the accountability of human beings for their deeds. It derives its name from the mention of “Al-Qiyamah” (the Resurrection) in the surah. It consists of 40 verses.

The surah begins by describing the Day of Resurrection, emphasizing its certainty and inevitability. It portrays the scene of the earth shaking, the mountains crumbling, and people being resurrected from their graves to stand before Allah.

Surah Al-Qiyamah emphasizes the disbelievers’ denial of the Day of Resurrection and their inability to comprehend the power and authority of Allah. It highlights their arrogance and their rejection of the signs and warnings sent by Allah through the messengers.

The surah describes the meticulous recording of people’s deeds by the angels. It affirms that even the smallest actions, whether good or evil, will be brought forth and accounted for on the Day of Resurrection.

Surah Al-Qiyamah emphasizes the disparity in the attitudes and outcomes of people on the Day of Resurrection. It describes the believers as being in a state of bliss, rewarded for their righteousness and devotion to Allah. In contrast, the disbelievers will face a severe punishment and regret for their denial of the truth.

The surah warns against the distractions and preoccupations of worldly life that divert people’s attention from the remembrance of Allah and the preparation for the Hereafter. It encourages the believers to prioritize their faith and strive for the eternal rewards of the Hereafter.

Surah Al-Qiyamah concludes by emphasizing the power and ability of Allah to bring about the resurrection and hold people accountable for their deeds. It asserts that all matters will be judged with justice, and the truth will prevail over falsehood.

In summary, Surah Al-Qiyamah focuses on the concept of the Day of Resurrection and the accountability of human beings for their actions. It highlights the certainty of the Day of Resurrection, the recording of deeds, and the disparity in outcomes between believers and disbelievers. The surah serves as a reminder of the importance of faith, righteousness, and preparation for the Hereafter, while warning against the distractions of worldly life. It affirms the power and justice of Allah in holding people accountable for their deeds.

Read English Translated Version of Surah Al-Qiyamah

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

1. I do swear by the Day of Judgment!

2. And I do swear by the self-reproaching soul!

3. Do people think We cannot reassemble their bones?

4. Yes ˹indeed˺! We are ˹most˺ capable of restoring ˹even˺ their very fingertips.

5. Still people want to deny what is yet to come,

6. asking ˹mockingly˺, “When is this Day of Judgment?”

7. But when the sight is stunned,

8. and the moon is dimmed,

9. and the sun and the moon are brought together,

10. on that Day one will cry, “Where is the escape?”

11. But no! There will be no refuge.

12. On that Day all will end up before your Lord.

13. All will then be informed of what they have sent forth and left behind.

14. In fact, people will testify against their own souls,

15. despite the excuses they come up with.

16. Do not rush your tongue trying to memorize ˹a revelation of˺ the Quran.

17. It is certainly upon Us to ˹make you˺ memorize and recite it.

18. So once We have recited a revelation ˹through Gabriel˺, follow its recitation ˹closely˺.

19. Then it is surely upon Us to make it clear ˹to you˺.

20. But no! In fact, you love this fleeting world,

21. and neglect the Hereafter.

22. On that Day ˹some˺ faces will be bright,

23. looking at their Lord.

24. And ˹other˺ faces will be gloomy,

25. anticipating something devastating to befall them.

26. But no! ˹Beware of the day˺ when the soul reaches the collar bone ˹as it leaves˺,

27. and it will be said, “Is there any healer ˹who can save this life˺?”

28. And the dying person realizes it is ˹their˺ time to depart,

29. and ˹then˺ their feet are tied together ˹in a shroud˺.

30. On that day they will be driven to your Lord ˹alone˺.

31. This denier neither believed nor prayed,

32. but persisted in denial and turned away,

33. then went to their own people, walking boastfully.

34. Woe to you, and more woe!

35. Again, woe to you, and even more woe!

36. Do people think they will be left without purpose?

37. Were they not ˹once˺ a sperm-drop emitted?

38. Then they became a clinging clot ˹of blood˺, then He developed and perfected their form,

39. producing from it both sexes, male and female.

40. Is such ˹a Creator˺ unable to bring the dead back to life?

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