Surah Al-Qamar – English Translation

Basic Surah Info

Surah Number – 54
Number of Ayah – 55
Revealed City – Mecca
Juz Details – Juz 27 Ayah 1-55
Starting Page Number – 528th Page
Translated By Mustafa Khattab

Summary of Surah Al-Qamar

Surah Al-Qamar, the 54th surah of the Quran, draws attention to the truthfulness of the Quran and the consequences faced by those who rejected previous messengers. It takes its name from the mention of the moon in the surah. It consists of 55 verses.

The surah begins by recounting the story of the people of Thamud who rejected the message of their messenger, Prophet Salih. It describes the punishment they received as a result of their disobedience, which included a severe earthquake.

Surah Al-Qamar then describes the story of the people of ‘Ad, who were destroyed by a devastating windstorm as a consequence of their defiance of Prophet Hud’s message.

The surah highlights these historical accounts to serve as a warning to the disbelievers of the consequences they might face for rejecting the message of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Surah Al-Qamar draws attention to the numerous signs and miracles present in the Quran that indicate its truthfulness and divine origin. It invites people to reflect upon these signs and to ponder the wisdom and knowledge contained within the scripture.

The surah underscores the power and authority of Allah and the certainty of His judgment. It serves as a reminder that Allah has the ability to bring about punishment for the disbelievers and to reward the believers.

Surah Al-Qamar emphasizes the importance of taking heed from the stories of the past and the lessons they provide. It encourages the disbelievers to reflect upon the fate of those who rejected the truth and to consider the consequences they may face if they persist in their disbelief.

The surah concludes by reminding the believers of the blessings and mercy of Allah. It reassures them that their efforts and good deeds will be rewarded and that they should remain steadfast in their faith.

In summary, Surah Al-Qamar highlights the consequences faced by those who rejected the messengers in the past, emphasizes the truthfulness of the Quran, and invites reflection upon the signs of Allah. The surah serves as a reminder of the power and authority of Allah, the importance of heeding the lessons of history, and the need to remain steadfast in faith.

Read English Translated Version of Surah Al-Qamar English Translated Version of

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

1. The Hour has drawn near and the moon was split ˹in two˺.

2. Yet, whenever they see a sign, they turn away, saying, “Same old magic!”

3. They rejected ˹the truth˺ and followed their own desires—and every matter will be settled—

4. even though the stories ˹of destroyed nations˺ that have already come to them are a sufficient deterrent.

5. ˹This Quran is˺ profound ˹in˺ wisdom, but warnings are of no benefit ˹to them˺.

6. So turn away from them ˹O Prophet˺. ˹And wait for˺ the Day ˹when˺ the caller will summon ˹them˺ for something horrifying.

7. With eyes downcast, they will come forth from the graves as if they were swarming locusts,

8. rushing towards the caller. The disbelievers will cry, “This is a difficult Day!”

9. Before them, the people of Noah denied ˹the truth˺ and rejected Our servant, calling ˹him˺ insane. And he was intimidated.

10. So he cried out to his Lord, “I am helpless, so help ˹me˺!”

11. So We opened the gates of the sky with pouring rain,

12. and caused the earth to burst with springs, so the waters met for a fate already set.

13. We carried him on that ˹Ark made˺ of planks and nails,

14. sailing under Our ˹watchful˺ Eyes—a ˹fair˺ punishment on behalf of the one ˹they˺ denied.

15. We certainly left this as a sign. So is there anyone who will be mindful?

16. Then how ˹dreadful˺ were My punishment and warnings!

17. And We have certainly made the Quran easy to remember. So is there anyone who will be mindful?

18. ’Ȃd ˹also˺ rejected ˹the truth˺. Then how ˹dreadful˺ were My punishment and warnings!

19. Indeed, We sent against them a furious wind, on a day of unrelenting misery,

20. that snatched people up, leaving them like trunks of uprooted palm trees.

21. Then how ˹dreadful˺ were My punishment and warnings!

22. And We have certainly made the Quran easy to remember. So is there anyone who will be mindful?

23. Thamûd rejected the warnings ˹as well˺,

24. arguing, “How can we follow one ˹average˺ human being from among us? We would then truly be misguided and insane.

25. Has the revelation been sent down ˹only˺ to him out of ˹all of˺ us? In fact, he is a boastful liar.”

26. ˹It was revealed to Ṣâliḥ,˺ “They will soon know who the boastful liar is.

27. We are sending the she-camel as a test for them. So watch them ˹closely˺, and have patience.

28. And tell them that the ˹drinking˺ water must be divided between them ˹and her˺, each taking a turn to drink ˹every other day˺.”

29. But they roused a companion of theirs, so he dared to kill ˹her˺.

30. Then how ˹dreadful˺ were My punishment and warnings!

31. Indeed, We sent against them ˹only˺ one ˹mighty˺ blast, leaving them like the twigs of fence-builders.

32. And We have certainly made the Quran easy to remember. So is there anyone who will be mindful?

33. The people of Lot ˹also˺ rejected the warnings.

34. We unleashed upon them a storm of stones. As for ˹the believers of˺ Lot’s family, We delivered them before dawn

35. as a blessing from Us. This is how We reward whoever gives thanks.

36. He had already warned them of Our ˹crushing˺ blow but they disputed the warnings.

37. And they even demanded his angel-guests from him, so We blinded their eyes. ˹And they were told,˺ “Taste then My punishment and warnings!”

38. And indeed, by the early morning they were overwhelmed by an unrelenting torment.

39. ˹Again they were told,˺ “Taste now My punishment and warnings!”

40. And We have certainly made the Quran easy to remember. So is there anyone who will be mindful?

41. And indeed, the warnings ˹also˺ came to the people of Pharaoh.

42. ˹But˺ they rejected all of Our signs, so We seized them with the ˹crushing˺ grip of the Almighty, Most Powerful.

43. Now, are you ˹Meccan˺ disbelievers superior to those ˹destroyed peoples˺? Or have you ˹been granted˺ immunity ˹from punishment˺ in divine Books?

44. Or do they say, “We are all ˹a˺ united ˹front˺, bound to prevail.”?

45. ˹Soon˺ their united front will be defeated and ˹forced to˺ flee.

46. Better yet, the Hour is their appointed time—and the Hour will be most catastrophic and most bitter.

47. Indeed, the wicked are ˹entrenched˺ in misguidance, and ˹are bound for˺ blazes.

48. On the Day they will be dragged into the Fire on their faces, ˹they will be told,˺ “Taste the touch of Hell!”

49. Indeed, We have created everything, perfectly preordained.

50. Our command is but a single word, done in the blink of an eye.

51. We have already destroyed the likes of you. So will any ˹of you˺ be mindful?

52. Everything they have done is ˹listed˺ in ˹their˺ records.

53. Every matter, small and large, is written ˹precisely˺.

54. Indeed, the righteous will be amid Gardens and rivers,

55. at the Seat of Honour in the presence of the Most Powerful Sovereign.

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