Surah Al-Qalam – English Transliteration

Basic Surah Info

Surah Number – 68
Number of Ayah – 52
Revealed City – Mecca
Juz Details – Juz 29 Ayah 1-52
Starting Page Number – 564th Page

Summary of Surah Al-Qalam

Surah Al-Qalam, the 68th surah of the Quran, addresses the incident involving the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and provides lessons on patience, humility, and the consequences of rejecting the truth. It derives its name from the mention of “Al-Qalam” (the Pen) in the surah. It consists of 52 verses.

The surah begins by condemning the accusations made against the Prophet Muhammad by the disbelievers of his time. It affirms his noble character and refutes the false allegations leveled against him.

Surah Al-Qalam highlights the importance of patience and steadfastness in the face of adversity. It provides examples from the stories of previous nations, including the people of Thamud and the people of Noah, who rejected the message of their respective prophets and faced severe consequences.

The surah focuses on the story of a man known as “The Owner of the Garden” (also referred to as “The Companions of the Garden”). It highlights the arrogance and ingratitude displayed by the man and his refusal to give charity and share his blessings with others. As a result, his garden was destroyed, and he faced a severe punishment from Allah.

Surah Al-Qalam emphasizes the importance of humility and gratitude. It contrasts the arrogant behavior of those who reject the truth with the righteous individuals who fear Allah and strive to fulfill their obligations towards Him and their fellow human beings.

The surah warns of the consequences that await those who reject the message of truth and persist in their disbelief. It emphasizes that the Day of Judgment is certain and that every individual will be held accountable for their actions.

Surah Al-Qalam highlights the role of the Quran as a source of guidance and knowledge. It encourages believers to hold firmly to the teachings of the Quran and to follow the example of the Prophet Muhammad in order to attain success in this life and the Hereafter.

The surah concludes by affirming the Prophet Muhammad’s status and role as a mercy to all creation. It emphasizes the significance of the Quran as a reminder and guidance for humanity.

In summary, Surah Al-Qalam addresses the incident involving the Prophet Muhammad and provides lessons on patience, humility, and the consequences of rejecting the truth. It condemns false accusations and highlights the importance of steadfastness in the face of adversity. The surah warns of the consequences of disbelief, emphasizes humility and gratitude, and affirms the significance of the Quran as a source of guidance. It serves as a reminder to follow the example of the Prophet Muhammad and hold firmly to the teachings of the Quran.

Read English Transliteration of Surah Al-Qalam

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

1. Noon; walqalami wa maa yasturoon

2. Maa anta bini’mati Rabbika bimajnoon

3. Wa inna laka la ajran ghaira mamnoon

4. Wa innaka la’alaa khuluqin ‘azeem

5. Fasatubsiru wa yubsiroon

6. Bi ayyikumul maftoon

7. Innaa Rabbaka Huwa a’lamu biman dalla ‘an sabeelihee wa Huwa a’lamu bilmuhtadeen

8. Falaa tuti’il mukazzibeen

9. Waddoo law tudhinu fa-yudhinoon

10. Wa laa tuti’ kulla hallaa fim maheen

11. Hammaazim mash shaaa’im binameem

12. Mannaa’il lilkhairi mu’tadin aseem

13. Utullim ba’da zaalika zaneem

14. An kaana zaa maalinw-wa baneen

15. Izaa tutlaa ‘alaihi aayaatunaa qaala asaateerul awwaleen

16. Sanasimuhoo ‘alal khurtoom

17. Innaa balawnaahum kamaa balawnaaa As-haabal jannati iz ‘aqsamoo la-yasri munnahaa musbiheen

18. Wa laa yastasnoon

19. Fataafa ‘alaihaa taaa’i fum mir rabbika wa hum naaa’imoon

20. Fa asbahat kassareem

21. Fatanaadaw musbiheen

22. Anighdoo ‘alaa harsikum in kuntum saarimeen

23. Fantalaqoo wa hum yatakhaafatoon

24. Al laa yadkhulannahal yawma ‘alaikum miskeen

25. Wa ghadaw ‘alaa hardin qaadireen

26. Falammaa ra awhaa qaalooo innaa ladaaalloon

27. Bal nahnu mahroomoon

28. Qaala awsatuhum alam aqul lakum law laa tusabbihoon

29. Qaaloo subhaana rabbinaaa innaa kunnaa zaalimeen

30. Fa aqbala ba’duhum ‘alaa ba’diny yatalaawamoon

31. Qaaloo yaa wailanaaa innaa kunnaa taagheen

32. Asaa rabbunaaa any yubdilanaa khairam minhaaa innaaa ilaa rabbinaa raaghiboon

33. Kazaalikal azaab, wa la’azaabul aakhirati akbar; law kaanoo ya’lamoon

34. Inna lilmuttaqeena ‘inda rabbihim jannaatin na’eem

35. Afanaj’alul muslimeena kalmujrimeen

36. Maa lakum kaifa tahkumoon

37. Am lakum kitaabun feehi tadrusoon

38. Inna lakum feehi lamaa takhaiyaroon

39. Am lakum aymaanun ‘alainaa baalighatun ilaa yawmil qiyaamati inna lakum lamaa tahkumoon

40. Salhum ayyuhum bizaa lika za’eem

41. Am lahum shurakaaa’u fal ya’too bishurakaaa ‘ihim in kaanoo saadiqeen

42. Yawma yukshafu ‘an saaqinw wa yud’awna ilas sujoodi falaa yastatee’oon

43. Khaashi’atan absaaruhum tarhaquhum zillatunw wa qad kaanoo yud’awna ilassujoodi wa hum saalimoon

44. Fazarnee wa many yukazzibu bihaazal hadeesi sanastad rijuhum min haisu laa ya’lamoon

45. Wa umlee lahum; inna kaidee mateen

46. Am tas’aluhum ajran fahum min maghramin musqaloon

47. Am ‘indahumul ghaibu fahum yaktuboon

48. Fasbir lihukmi rabbika wa laa takun kasaahibil hoot; iz naadaa wa huwa makzoom

49. Law laaa an tadaara kahoo ni’matum mir rabbihee lanubiza bil’araaa’i wa huwa mazmoom

50. Fajtabaahu rabbuhoo faja’alahoo minas saaliheen

51. Wa iny-yakaadul lazeena kafaroo la-yuzliqoonaka biabsaarihim lammaa sami’uz-Zikra wa yaqooloona innahoo lamajnoon

52. Wa maa huwa illaa zikrul lil’aalameen

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