Surah Al-Mursalaat – English Transliteration

Basic Surah Info

Surah Number – 77
Number of Ayah – 50
Revealed City – Mecca
Juz Details – Juz 29 Ayah 1-50
Starting Page Number – 580th Page

Summary of Surah Al-Mursalaat

Surah Al-Mursalaat, the 77th surah of the Quran, is a Makkan surah that emphasizes the certainty of the Day of Judgment and serves as a reminder of Allah’s power and the consequences of human actions. It takes its name from the mention of “Al-Mursalaat” (the Sent Ones) in the surah. It consists of 50 verses.

The surah begins by describing the angels who are sent forth with various tasks by Allah. It portrays the angels as obedient servants carrying out Allah’s commands without question.

Surah Al-Mursalaat emphasizes the importance of reflection and pondering over the signs of Allah in the universe and the natural phenomena. It invites human beings to contemplate the creation of the heavens and the earth and recognize the wisdom and power of Allah.

The surah highlights the fate of those who reject the truth and engage in wrongdoing. It narrates the stories of the past nations who were arrogant and transgressed against their messengers, leading to their destruction as a consequence of their disobedience to Allah.

Surah Al-Mursalaat warns of the Day of Judgment and the punishment that awaits the disbelievers. It vividly describes the events of that Day, including the shaking of the earth, the splitting of the sky, and the gathering of all beings before Allah for judgment.

The surah emphasizes the accountability of human beings for their actions. It stresses that on the Day of Judgment, people will be divided into two groups: those who receive their book of deeds in their right hand, symbolizing their success and salvation, and those who receive their book of deeds in their left hand, symbolizing their failure and punishment.

Surah Al-Mursalaat concludes by highlighting the significance of the Quran as a reminder and a guide for humanity. It emphasizes that the Quran is not the words of a poet or a magician, but a divine revelation from Allah.

In summary, Surah Al-Mursalaat emphasizes the certainty of the Day of Judgment and the consequences of human actions. It invites reflection on the signs of Allah in the universe and warns against rejecting the truth and engaging in wrongdoing. The surah describes the events of the Day of Judgment and the accountability of human beings for their deeds. It emphasizes the significance of the Quran as a divine revelation.

Read English Transliteration of Surah Al-Mursalaat

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

1. Wal mursalaati’urfaa

2. Fal’aasifaati ‘asfaa

3. Wannaashiraati nashraa

4. Falfaariqaati farqaa

5. Falmulqiyaati zikra

6. Uzran aw nuzraa

7. Innamaa too’adoona lawaaqi’

8. Fa izam nujoomu tumisat

9. Wa izas samaaa’u furijat

10. Wa izal jibaalu nusifat

11. Wa izar Rusulu uqqitat

12. Li ayyi yawmin ujjilat

13. Li yawmil Fasl

14. Wa maaa adraaka maa yawmul fasl

15. Wailuny yawma ‘izillilmukazzibeen

16. Alam nuhlikil awwaleen

17. Summa nutbi’uhumul aakhireen

18. Kazzalika naf’alu bilmujrimeen

19. Wailunw yawma ‘izil lil mukazzibeen

20. Alam nakhlukkum mimmaaa’im maheen

21. Faja’alnaahu fee qaraarim makeen

22. Illaa qadrim ma’loom

23. Faqadarnaa fani’mal qaadiroon

24. Wailuny yawma ‘izil lilmukazzibeen

25. Alam naj’alil arda kifaataa

26. Ahyaaa’anw wa amwaataa

27. Wa ja’alnaa feehaa rawaasiya shaamikhaatinw wa asqainaakum maaa’an furaataa

28. Wailuny yawma ‘izil lilmukazzibeen

29. Intaliqooo ilaa maa kuntum bihee tukazziboon

30. Intaliqooo ilaa zillin zee salaasi shu’ab

31. Laa zaleelinw wa laa yughnee minal lahab

32. Innahaa tarmee bishararin kalqasr

33. Ka annahoo jimaalatun sufr

34. Wailuny yawma ‘izil lilmukazibeen

35. Haazaa yawmu laa yantiqoon

36. Wa laa yu’zanu lahum fa ya’taziroon

37. Wailunw yawma ‘izil lilmukazzibeen

38. Haaza yawmul fasli jama ‘naakum wal awwaleen

39. Fa in kaana lakum kaidun fakeedoon

40. Wailuny yawma’izil lilmukazzibeen

41. Innal muttaqeena fee zilaalinw wa ‘uyoon

42. Wa fawaakiha mimmaa yashtahoon

43. Kuloo washraboo haneee ‘am bimaa kuntum ta’maloon

44. Innaa kazaalika najzil muhsineen

45. Wailuny yawma ‘izil lil mukazzibeen

46. Kuloo wa tamatta’oo qaleelan innakum mujrimoon

47. Wailunny yawma ‘izil lilmukazzibeen

48. Wa izaa qeela lahumur ka’oo laa yarka’oon

49. Wailunny yawma ‘izil lilmukazzibeen

50. Fabi ayyi hadeesim ba’dahoo yu’minoon

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