Surah Al-Mujadilah – English Transliteration

Basic Surah Info

Surah Number – 58
Number of Ayah – 22
Revealed City – Madina
Juz Details – Juz 28 Ayah 1-22
Starting Page Number – 542th Page

Summary of Surah Al-Mujadilah

Surah Al-Mujadilah, the 58th surah of the Quran, addresses various social and ethical matters and provides guidance on resolving disputes and maintaining good relations within the community. It derives its name from the mention of “Al-Mujadilah” (the woman who pleads) in the surah. It consists of 22 verses.

The surah begins by presenting a scenario involving a woman who comes to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) seeking his judgment regarding a marital issue. The surah highlights the importance of justice and fairness in dealing with such matters and encourages open communication and resolution of disputes within the community.

Surah Al-Mujadilah provides guidance on etiquettes and manners of addressing the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It emphasizes the need for respect and proper behavior when interacting with the Prophet and other believers.

The surah highlights the importance of sincerity and truthfulness in one’s relationship with Allah. It encourages believers to have complete trust in Allah and to seek His guidance and forgiveness.

Surah Al-Mujadilah addresses the issue of secret conversations and backbiting, emphasizing the importance of avoiding such behavior and promoting transparency and righteousness in speech.

The surah warns against those who oppose the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and seek to undermine his message. It reminds believers to stay steadfast in their faith and not be influenced by the negative actions and attitudes of others.

Surah Al-Mujadilah emphasizes the importance of striving for the cause of Allah and defending the truth, even in the face of opposition or adversity.

The surah concludes by highlighting the distinction between true believers and those who oppose the message of Islam. It reassures the believers that their efforts and sacrifices will be rewarded, and that Allah is aware of their struggles.

In summary, Surah Al-Mujadilah addresses social and ethical matters, providing guidance on dispute resolution, etiquettes of communication, sincerity in worship, and the importance of staying steadfast in faith. The surah emphasizes justice, transparency, and the need to strive for the cause of Allah. It encourages believers to maintain good relations within the community and reminds them of the rewards and recognition they will receive from Allah for their efforts.

Read English Transliteration of Surah Al-Mujadilah

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

1. Qad sami’al laahu qawlal latee tujaadiluka fee zawjihaa wa tashtakeee ilal laahi wallaahu yasma’u tahaawurakumaa; innal laaha samee’um baseer

2. Allazeena yuzaahiroona minkum min nisaaa’ihim maa hunnaa ummahaatihim in ummahaatuhum illal laaa’ee waladnahum; wa innaahum la yaqooloona munkaram minal qawli wa zooraa; wa innal laaha la’afuwwun ghafoor

3. Wallazeena yuzaahiroona min nisaaa’ihim summa ya’oodoona limaa qaaloo fatahreeru raqabatim min qabli any-yatamaaassaa; zaalikum too’azoona bih; wallaahu bimaa ta’maloona khabeer

4. Famal lam yajid fa siyaamu shahraini mutataabi’ayni min qabli any-yatamaaassaa famal lam yastati’ fa-it’aamu sitteena miskeena; zaalika litu’minoo billaahi wa rasoolih’wa tilka hudoodul laah; wa lilkaafireena ‘azaabun aleem

5. Innal lazeena yuhaaaddoonal laaha wa Rasoolahoo kubitoo kamaa kubital lazeena min qablihim; wa qad anzalnaaa aayaatim baiyinaat; wa lilkaa fireena ‘azaabum muheen

6. Yawma yab’asuhumul laahu jamee’an fayunabbi’uhum bimaa ‘amiloo; ahsaahul laahu wa nasooh; wallaahu ‘alaa kulli shai’in shaheed

7. Alam tara annal laaha ya’lamu maa fis samaawaati wa maa fil ardi maa yakoonu min najwaa salaasatin illaa Huwa raabi’uhum wa laa khamsatin illaa huwa saadisuhum wa laaa adnaa min zaalika wa laaa aksara illaa huwa ma’ahum ayna, maa kaanoo summa yunabbi’uhum bimaa ‘amiloo yawmal qiyaamah; innal laaha bikulli shai’in aleem

8. Alam tara ilal lazeena nuhoo ‘anin najwaa summa ya’oodoona limaa nuhoo ‘anhu wa yatanaajawna bil ismi wal’udwaani wa ma’siyatir rasooli wa izaa jaaa’ooka haiyawka bimaa lam yuhai yika bihil laahu wa yaqooloona fee anfusihim law laa yu’azzibunal laahu bimaa naqool; hasbuhum jahannnamu yaslawnahaa fabi’sal maseer

9. Yaaa ayyuhal lazeena aamanoo izaa tanaajaytum falaa tatanaajaw bil ismi wal ‘udwaani wa ma’siyatir rasooli wa tanaajaw bil birri wattaqwaa wattaqul laahal lazeee ilaihi tuhsharoon

10. Innaman najwaa minash shaitaani liyahzunal lazeena aamanoo wa laisa bidaaarrihim shai’an illaa bi-iznil laah; wa ‘alal laahi falyatawakkalil mu’minoon

11. Yaaa ayyuhal lazeena aamanoo izaa qeela lakum tafassahoo fil majaalisi fafsahoo yafsahil laahu lakum wa izaa qeelan shuzoo fanshuzoo yarfa’il laahul lazeena aamanoo minkum wallazeena ootul ‘ilma darajaat; wallaahu bimaa ta’maloona khabeer

12. Yaaa ayyuhal lazeena aamanooo izaa naajitumur Rasoola faqaddimoo baina yadai najwaakum sadaqah; zaalika khairul lakum wa athar; fa il lam tajidoo fa innal laaha ghafoorur Raheem

13. A-ashfaqtum an tuqaddimoo baina yadai najwaakum sadaqaat; fa-iz lam taf’aloo wa taabal laahu ‘alaikum fa aqeemus Salaata wa aatuz Zakaata wa atee’ul laaha wa rasoolah; wallaahu khabeerum bimaa ta’maloon

14. Alam tara ilal lazeena tawallaw qawman ghadibal laahu ‘alaihim maa hum minkum wa laa minhum wa yahlifoona ‘alal kazibi wa hum ya’lamoon

15. A’addal laahu lahum ‘azaaban shadeedan innahum saaa’a maa kaanoo ya’maloon

16. Ittakhazooo aymaanahum junnatan fasaddoo ‘an sabeelil laahi falahum ‘azaabum muheen

17. Lan tughniya ‘anhum amwaaluhum wa laaa awladuhum minal laahi shai’aa; ulaaa ‘ika As haabun Naari hum feehaa khaalidoon

18. Yawma yab’asuhumul laahujamee’an fa yahlifoona lahoo kamaa yahlifoona lakum wa yahsaboona annahum ‘alaa shai’; alaaa innahum humul kaaziboon

19. Istahwaza ‘alaihimush shaitaanu fa ansaahum zikral laah; ulaaa’ika hizbush shaitaaan; alaaa innaa hizbash shaitaani humul khaasiroon

20. Innal lazeena yuhaaaddoonal laaha wa Rasoolahooo ulaaa’ika fil azalleen

21. Katabal laahu la aghlibanna ana wa Rusulee; innal laaha qawiyyun ‘Azeez

22. Laa tajidu qawmany yu’minoona billaahi wal yawmil aakhiri yuwaaaddoona man haaaddal laaha wa Rasoolahoo wa law kaanooo aabaaa’ahum aw abnaaa’ahum aw ikhwaa nahum aw ‘asheeratahum; ulaaa’ika kataba fee quloobihi mul eemaana wa ayyadahum biroohimminhu wa yudkhilu hum jannatin tajree min tahtihal anhaaru khaalideena feehaa; radiyal laahu ‘anhum wa radoo ‘anhu; ulaaa ‘ika hizbul laah; alaaa inna hizbal laahi humul muflihoon

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