Surah Al-Lail – English Transliteration

Basic Surah Info

Surah Number – 92
Number of Ayah – 21
Revealed City – Mecca
Juz Details – Juz 30 Ayah 1-21
Starting Page Number – 595th Page

Summary of Surah Al-Lail

Surah Al-Lail, the 92nd surah of the Quran, highlights the contrast between good and evil, righteousness and corruption, and the consequences of one’s actions. It emphasizes the importance of self-improvement, charitable deeds, and reliance on Allah. It consists of 21 verses.

The surah begins by swearing oaths by the night and what it conceals, highlighting its significance as a time of introspection and reflection.

Surah Al-Lail then explores the different paths that individuals can take. It contrasts the characteristics of those who believe and perform righteous deeds with those who deny the truth and indulge in evil actions. It emphasizes that righteousness and moral conduct are essential for success and fulfillment in this life and the Hereafter.

The surah highlights the importance of self-improvement and personal development. It encourages individuals to strive towards goodness, to purify their intentions, and to engage in acts of charity and kindness towards others.

Surah Al-Lail emphasizes the ultimate accountability of individuals for their actions. It reminds that even small acts of goodness and righteousness will be rewarded by Allah, while acts of evil will lead to punishment and remorse.

The surah concludes by highlighting the importance of relying on Allah and seeking His guidance and support. It emphasizes that true success lies in the remembrance of Allah and in seeking His pleasure.

In summary, Surah Al-Lail contrasts the paths of righteousness and corruption, highlighting the consequences of one’s actions. It emphasizes self-improvement, charitable deeds, and reliance on Allah. The surah encourages individuals to strive towards goodness, engage in acts of kindness, and purify their intentions. It reminds individuals of the ultimate accountability for their actions and the importance of relying on Allah for success and guidance.

Read English Transliteration of Surah Al-Lail

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

1. Wallaili izaa yaghshaa

2. Wannahaari izaa tajalla

3. Wa maa khalaqaz zakara wal unthaa

4. Inna sa’yakum lashattaa

5. Fa ammaa man a’taa wattaqaa

6. Wa saddaqa bil husnaa

7. Fasanu yassiruhoo lilyusraa

8. Wa ammaa man bakhila wastaghnaa

9. Wa kazzaba bil husnaa

10. Fasanu yassiruhoo lil’usraa

11. Wa maa yughnee ‘anhu maaluhooo izaa taraddaa

12. Inna ‘alainaa lal hudaa

13. Wa inna lanaa lal Aakhirata wal oolaa

14. Fa anzartukum naaran talazzaa

15. Laa yaslaahaaa illal ashqaa

16. Allazee kazzaba wa tawallaa

17. Wa sa yujannnabuhal atqaa

18. Allazee yu’tee maalahoo yatazakkaa

19. Wa maa li ahadin ‘indahoo min ni’matin tujzaaa

20. Illab tighaaa’a wajhi rabbihil a ‘laa

21. Wa lasawfa yardaa

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