Surah Al-Insan – English Translation

Basic Surah Info

Surah Number – 76
Number of Ayah – 31
Revealed City – Madina
Juz Details – Juz 29 Ayah 1-31
Starting Page Number – 578th Page
Translated By Mustafa Khattab

Summary of Surah Al-Insan

Surah Al-Insan, also known as Surah Ad-Dahr or Surah Al-Duha, is the 76th surah of the Quran. It focuses on various aspects of human nature, the blessings bestowed upon the believers, and the importance of gratitude and charity. It consists of 31 verses.

The surah begins by mentioning the creation of human beings from a fluid drop and their gradual development and evolution. It highlights the significance of gratitude to Allah for bestowing life and intellect upon humanity.

Surah Al-Insan describes the characteristics and qualities of the righteous believers. It portrays them as those who feed the needy, the orphan, and the captive out of love for Allah’s pleasure, without seeking any reward or gratitude from others. It emphasizes the importance of charity and selflessness in the path of righteousness.

The surah describes the rewards and blessings that await the righteous believers in Paradise. It vividly portrays the delights and pleasures they will experience, including the enjoyment of luxurious gardens, flowing springs, and eternal companionship with righteous individuals.

Surah Al-Insan highlights the contrast between the righteous believers and the disbelievers. It portrays the disbelievers as those who reject the truth and engage in arrogance and pride. It warns of the consequences they will face in the Hereafter and their eternal punishment in Hellfire.

The surah encourages the believers to be patient and steadfast in their faith, even in the face of adversity and persecution. It reassures them that their efforts and sacrifices will be rewarded abundantly in the Hereafter.

Surah Al-Insan concludes by affirming the authority and power of Allah as the Creator and Sustainer of all beings. It reminds the believers of the importance of seeking Allah’s forgiveness and guidance and relying on Him in all matters.

In summary, Surah Al-Insan focuses on human nature, gratitude, and charity. It highlights the characteristics of the righteous believers and their rewards in Paradise. It contrasts them with the disbelievers and warns of their punishment in the Hereafter. The surah emphasizes the importance of patience, reliance on Allah, and seeking His forgiveness.

Read English Translated Version of Surah Al-Insan

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

1. Is there not a period of time when each human is nothing yet worth mentioning?

2. ˹For˺ indeed, We ˹alone˺ created humans from a drop of mixed fluids, ˹in order˺ to test them, so We made them hear and see.

3. We already showed them the Way, whether they ˹choose to˺ be grateful or ungrateful.

4. Indeed, We have prepared for the disbelievers chains, shackles, and a blazing Fire.

5. Indeed, the virtuous will have a drink ˹of pure wine˺—flavoured with camphor—

6. ˹from˺ a spring where Allah’s servants will drink, flowing at their will.

7. They ˹are those who˺ fulfil ˹their˺ vows and fear a Day of sweeping horror,

8. and give food—despite their desire for it—to the poor, the orphan, and the captive,

9. ˹saying to themselves,˺ “We feed you only for the sake of Allah, seeking neither reward nor thanks from you.

10. We fear from our Lord a horribly distressful Day.”

11. So Allah will deliver them from the horror of that Day, and grant them radiance and joy,

12. and reward them for their perseverance with a Garden ˹in Paradise˺ and ˹garments of˺ silk.

13. There they will be reclining on ˹canopied˺ couches, never seeing scorching heat or bitter cold.

14. The Garden’s shade will be right above them, and its fruit will be made very easy to reach.

15. They will be waited on with silver vessels and cups of crystal—

16. crystalline silver, filled precisely as desired.

17. And they will be given a drink ˹of pure wine˺ flavoured with ginger

18. from a spring there, called Salsabîl.

19. They will be waited on by eternal youths. If you saw them, you would think they were scattered pearls.

20. And if you looked around, you would see ˹indescribable˺ bliss and a vast kingdom.

21. The virtuous will be ˹dressed˺ in garments of fine green silk and rich brocade, and adorned with bracelets of silver, and their Lord will give them a purifying drink.

22. ˹And they will be told,˺ “All this is surely a reward for you. Your striving has been appreciated.”

23. Indeed, it is We Who have revealed the Quran to you ˹O Prophet˺ in stages.

24. So be patient with your Lord’s decree, and do not yield to any evildoer or ˹staunch˺ disbeliever from among them.

25. ˹Always˺ remember the Name of your Lord morning and evening,

26. and prostrate before Him during part of the night, and glorify Him long at night.

27. Surely those ˹pagans˺ love this fleeting world, ˹totally˺ neglecting a weighty Day ahead of them.

28. It is We Who created them and perfected their ˹physical˺ form. But if We will, We can easily replace them with others.

29. Surely this is a reminder. So let whoever wills take the ˹Right˺ Way to their Lord.

30. But you cannot will ˹to do so˺ unless Allah wills. Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.

31. He admits whoever He wills into His mercy. As for the wrongdoers, He has prepared for them a painful punishment

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