Surah Al-Haqqah – English Translation

Basic Surah Info

Surah Number – 69
Number of Ayah – 52
Revealed City – Mecca
Juz Details – Juz 29 Ayah 1-52
Starting Page Number – 566th Page
Translated By Mustafa Khattab

Summary of Surah Al-Haqqah

Surah Al-Haqqah, the 69th surah of the Quran, highlights the certainty and inevitability of the Day of Judgment and provides reminders of Allah’s power and the consequences of one’s actions. It derives its name from the mention of “Al-Haqqah” (the Inevitable) in the surah. It consists of 52 verses.

The surah begins by emphasizing the certainty of the Day of Judgment, describing it as an event that will inevitably come to pass. It highlights the awe-inspiring nature of that day, when the earth will shake violently, mountains will crumble, and mankind will be divided into distinct groups based on their deeds.

Surah Al-Haqqah describes the fate of those who rejected the truth and lived in disobedience to Allah’s commandments. It portrays the scene of the sinners and disbelievers facing a painful punishment and regretting their actions.

The surah contrasts the fate of the righteous believers who will be rewarded with Paradise. It describes their blissful state and the blessings they will receive as a result of their faith and good deeds.

Surah Al-Haqqah emphasizes the power and authority of Allah as the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. It reminds humanity of their humble origins and the transient nature of worldly possessions.

The surah highlights the significance of the Quran as a message of truth and guidance. It emphasizes that the Quran is not a mere human invention but a revelation from Allah Himself. It warns against rejecting or mocking the Quran and calls for reflection upon its verses.

Surah Al-Haqqah concludes by reaffirming the importance of adhering to the message of the Quran and following the path of righteousness. It warns of the consequences that await those who deny the truth and encourages believers to place their trust in Allah.

In summary, Surah Al-Haqqah emphasizes the certainty and inevitability of the Day of Judgment. It portrays the consequences that await the disbelievers and sinners, as well as the rewards that await the righteous believers. The surah highlights the power and authority of Allah as the Creator and emphasizes the significance of the Quran as a message of truth and guidance. It serves as a reminder to reflect upon one’s actions and to adhere to the teachings of Islam in anticipation of the Day of Judgment.

Read English Translated Version of Surah Al-Haqqah

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

1. The Inevitable Hour!

2. What is the Inevitable Hour?

3. And what will make you realize what the Inevitable Hour is?

4. ˹Both˺ Thamûd and ’Ȃd denied the Striking Disaster.

5. As for Thamûd, they were destroyed by an overwhelming blast.

6. And as for ’Ȃd, they were destroyed by a furious, bitter wind

7. which Allah unleashed on them non-stop for seven nights and eight days, so that you would have seen its people lying dead like trunks of uprooted palm trees.

8. Do you see any of them left alive?

9. Also, Pharaoh and those before him, and ˹the people of˺ the overturned cities ˹of Lot˺ indulged in sin,

10. each disobeying their Lord’s messenger, so He seized them with a crushing grip.

11. Indeed, when the floodwater had overflowed, We carried you in the floating Ark ˹with Noah˺,

12. so that We may make this a reminder to you, and that attentive ears may grasp it.

13. At last, when the Trumpet will be blown with one blast,

14. and the earth and mountains will be lifted up and crushed with one blow,

15. on that Day the Inevitable Event will have come to pass.

16. The sky will then be so torn that it will be frail,

17. with the angels on its sides. On that Day eight ˹mighty angels˺ will bear the Throne of your Lord above them.

18. You will then be presented ˹before Him for judgment˺, and none of your secrets will stay hidden.

19. As for those given their records in their right hand, they will cry ˹happily˺, “Here ˹everyone˺! Read my record!

20. I surely knew I would face my reckoning.”

21. They will be in a life of bliss,

22. in an elevated Garden,

23. whose fruit will hang within reach.

24. ˹They will be told,˺ “Eat and drink joyfully for what you did in the days gone by.”

25. And as for those given their record in their left hand, they will cry ˹bitterly˺, “I wish I had not been given my record,

26. nor known anything of my reckoning!

27. I wish death was the end!

28. My wealth has not benefited me!

29. My authority has been stripped from me.”

30. ˹It will be said,˺ “Seize and shackle them,

31. then burn them in Hell,

32. then tie them up with chains seventy arms long.

33. For they never had faith in Allah, the Greatest,

34. nor encouraged the feeding of the poor.

35. So this Day they will have no close friend here,

36. nor any food except ˹oozing˺ pus,

37. which none will eat except the evildoers.”

38. Now, I do swear by whatever you see,

39. and whatever you cannot see!

40. Indeed, this ˹Quran˺ is the recitation of a noble Messenger.

41. It is not the prose of a poet ˹as you claim˺, ˹yet˺ you hardly have any faith.

42. Nor is it the mumbling of a fortune-teller, ˹yet˺ you are hardly mindful.

43. ˹It is˺ a revelation from the Lord of all worlds.

44. Had the Messenger made up something in Our Name,

45. We would have certainly seized him by his right hand,

46. then severed his aorta,

47. and none of you could have shielded him ˹from Us˺!

48. Indeed, this ˹Quran˺ is a reminder to those mindful ˹of Allah˺.

49. And We certainly know that some of you will persist in denial,

50. and it will surely be a source of regret for the disbelievers.

51. And indeed, this ˹Quran˺ is the absolute truth.

52. So glorify the Name of your Lord, the Greatest.

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