Surah Al-Falaq – English Transliteration

Basic Surah Info

Surah Number – 113
Number of Ayah – 5
Revealed City – Mecca
Juz Details – Juz 30 Ayah 1-5
Starting Page Number – 604th Page

Summary of Surah Al-Falaq

Surah Al-Falaq, the 113th surah of the Quran, is a short surah seeking refuge in Allah from various forms of evil and harm. It serves as a source of protection and supplication. It consists of 5 verses.

The surah begins by seeking refuge in Allah, the Lord of the daybreak, from the evil of what He has created. It acknowledges that there are forces and beings that may cause harm, and seeks Allah’s protection from them.

Surah Al-Falaq specifically mentions three forms of evil and harm: the darkness of the night as it spreads, those who blow on knots (a form of sorcery or witchcraft), and the envious person when they envy. It seeks refuge in Allah from these sources of harm.

The surah emphasizes the power and ability of Allah to protect and guard against all forms of evil. It affirms that seeking refuge in Allah and placing trust in Him is the most effective means of protection.

Surah Al-Falaq serves as a reminder of the importance of seeking Allah’s protection and relying on Him in times of vulnerability and danger. It teaches that true security and safety lie in Allah alone and encourages believers to seek His refuge from all forms of evil and harm.

In summary, Surah Al-Falaq seeks refuge in Allah from various forms of evil and harm. It acknowledges the existence of forces that may cause harm and emphasizes the power and ability of Allah to protect against them. The surah serves as a reminder to seek Allah’s refuge and place trust in Him as the ultimate source of protection and safety.

Read English Transliteration of Surah Al-Falaq

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

1. Qul a’oozu bi rabbil-falaq

2. Min sharri maa khalaq

3. Wa min sharri ghaasiqin izaa waqab

4. Wa min sharrin-naffaa-saati fil ‘uqad

5. Wa min sharri haasidin izaa hasad

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