Surah Al-Fajr – English Transliteration

Basic Surah Info

Surah Number – 89
Number of Ayah – 30
Revealed City – Mecca
Juz Details – Juz 30 Ayah 1-30
Starting Page Number – 593th Page
Translated By Mustafa Khattab

Summary of Surah Al-Balad

Surah Al-Fajr, the 89th surah of the Quran, highlights the consequences that befell the people of the past due to their disobedience and arrogance. It serves as a reminder of the transience of worldly possessions and the importance of gratitude and righteousness. It consists of 30 verses.

The surah begins by swearing oaths by the dawn, the ten nights, and the even and odd numbers, emphasizing the importance of these signs as reminders for humanity.

Surah Al-Fajr then narrates the stories of past nations, specifically the people of Thamud, ‘Ad, and Pharaoh, who were destroyed due to their defiance and transgression against the messengers of Allah. It serves as a warning of the consequences that await those who reject the message and indulge in wrongdoing.

The surah highlights the transience and impermanence of worldly possessions, illustrating that the material wealth and power enjoyed by these nations were ultimately of no avail when faced with divine punishment.

Surah Al-Fajr emphasizes the importance of gratitude and recognizing the favors of Allah. It contrasts the fate of the righteous with that of the wicked, highlighting the ultimate success of those who fear Allah and engage in righteous deeds.

The surah concludes by emphasizing the importance of reflection upon the signs of Allah in nature and history, as they serve as reminders of the ultimate truth and the consequences of one’s actions.

In summary, Surah Al-Fajr serves as a reminder of the consequences that befell the people of the past due to their disobedience and arrogance. It highlights the transience of worldly possessions and the importance of gratitude and righteousness. The surah warns against rejecting the message and indulging in wrongdoing, emphasizing the ultimate success of the righteous. It encourages reflection upon the signs of Allah and the recognition of His favors.

Read English Transliteration of Surah Al-Fajr

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

1. Wal-Fajr

2. Wa layaalin ‘ashr

3. Wash shaf’i wal watr

4. Wallaili izaa yasr

5. Hal fee zaalika qasamul lizee hijr

6. Alam tara kaifa fa’ala rabbuka bi’aad

7. Iramaa zaatil ‘imaad

8. Allatee lam yukhlaq misluhaa fil bilaad

9. Wa samoodal lazeena jaabus sakhra bil waad

10. Wa fir’awna zil awtaad

11. Allazeena taghaw fil bilaad

12. Fa aksaroo feehal fasaad

13. Fasabba ‘alaihim Rabbuka sawta ‘azaab

14. Inna Rabbaka labil mirsaad

15. Fa ammal insaanu izaa mab talaahu Rabbuhoo fa akramahoo wa na’ ‘amahoo fa yaqoolu Rabbeee akraman

16. Wa ammaaa izaa mabtalaahu faqadara ‘alaihi rizqahoo fa yaqoolu Rabbeee ahaanan

17. Kalla bal laa tukrimooo nal yateem

18. Wa laa tahaaaddoona ‘alaata’aamil miskeen

19. Wa taakuloonat turaasa aklal lammaa

20. Wa tuhibboonal maala hubban jammaa

21. Kallaaa izaaa dukkatil ardu dakkan dakka

22. Wa jaaa’a Rabbuka wal malaku saffan saffaa

23. Wa jeee’a yawma’izim bi jahannnam; Yawma ‘iziny yatazakkarul insaanu wa annaa lahuz zikraa

24. Yaqoolu yaa laitanee qaddamtu lihayaatee

25. Fa Yawma izil laa yu’azzibu ‘azaabahooo ahad

26. Wa laa yoosiqu wasaaqa hooo ahad

27. Yaaa ayyatuhan nafsul mutma ‘innah

28. Irji’eee ilaa Rabbiki raadiyatam mardiyyah

29. Fadkhulee fee ‘ibaadee

30. Wadkhulee jannatee

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