Surah Al-Buruj – English Transliteration

Basic Surah Info

Surah Number – 85
Number of Ayah – 22
Revealed City – Mecca
Juz Details – Juz 30 Ayah 1-22
Starting Page Number – 590th Page
Translated By Mustafa Khattab

Summary of Surah Al-Buruj

Surah Al-Buruj, the 85th surah of the Quran, recounts the stories of the people of the past who were persecuted for their faith and steadfastness. It takes its name from the mention of “Al-Buruj” (the towers) in the surah. It consists of 22 verses.

The surah begins by describing the punishment that befell a group of people who kindled a fire to burn the believers. These people sought to extinguish the light of faith and suppress the truth. However, Allah intervened and granted the believers patience and strength to endure the persecution.

Surah Al-Buruj then highlights the unwavering faith and dedication of the believers who endured severe hardships for their beliefs. It mentions the example of the righteous men and women who remained steadfast in the face of oppression, even though they were given the opportunity to renounce their faith. They chose to stay firm in their conviction, knowing that Allah is the ultimate judge and that their reward lies with Him.

The surah emphasizes the consequences that await those who transgress the bounds of humanity and persecute the believers. It mentions the punishment that befell the disbelievers in the past as a warning to those who engage in similar acts of oppression.

Surah Al-Buruj also highlights the power and knowledge of Allah as the ultimate witness and judge. It assures the believers that their struggles and sacrifices will not go in vain, and that Allah is fully aware of their circumstances and their unwavering faith.

The surah concludes by emphasizing the mercy and forgiveness of Allah for those who repent and turn to Him in sincere devotion. It encourages believers to have patience and trust in Allah’s promise of reward and justice.

In summary, Surah Al-Buruj recounts the stories of the persecuted believers of the past who remained steadfast in their faith. It highlights the consequences that await those who oppress the believers and emphasizes the power and knowledge of Allah as the ultimate witness and judge. The surah concludes by encouraging believers to have patience and trust in Allah’s promise of reward and mercy.

Read English Transliteration of Surah Al-Buruj

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

1. Wassamaaa’i zaatil burooj

2. Wal yawmil maw’ood

3. Wa shaahidinw wa mashhood

4. Qutila as haabul ukhdood

5. Annaari zaatil waqood

6. Iz hum ‘alaihaa qu’ood

7. Wa hum ‘alaa maa yaf’aloona bilmu ‘mineena shuhood

8. Wa maa naqamoo minhum illaaa aiyu’minoo billaahil ‘azeezil Hameed

9. Allazee lahoo mulkus samaawaati wal ard; wallaahu ‘alaa kulli shai ‘in Shaheed

10. Innal lazeena fatanul mu’mineena wal mu’minaati summa lam yatooboo falahum ‘azaabu Jahannama wa lahum ‘azaabul hareeq

11. Innal lazeena aamanoo wa ‘amilus saalihaati lahum Jannaatun tajree min tahtihal anhaar; zaalikal fawzul kabeer

12. Inna batsha Rabbika lashadeed

13. Innahoo Huwa yubdi’u wa yu’eed

14. Wa Huwal Ghafoorul Wadood

15. Zul ‘Arshil Majeed

16. Fa’ ‘aalul limaa yureed

17. Hal ataaka hadeesul junood

18. Fir’awna wa Samood

19. Balil lazeena kafaroo fee takzeeb

20. Wallaahu minw waraaa’ihim muheet

21. Bal huwa Quraanum Majeed

22. Fee Lawhim Mahfooz

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