Surah Al-Asr – English Translation

Basic Surah Info

Surah Number – 103
Number of Ayah – 3
Revealed City – Mecca
Juz Details – Juz 30 Ayah 1-3
Starting Page Number – 601th Page
Translated By Mustafa Khattab

Summary of Surah Al-Asr

Surah Al-Asr, the 103rd surah of the Quran, is a concise but profound surah that carries a powerful message about the value of time and the path to salvation. It emphasizes the importance of faith, righteous actions, and mutual counsel in leading a righteous and meaningful life. It consists of 3 verses.

The surah begins by swearing an oath by time, highlighting its significance and preciousness. It serves as a reminder that time is a finite resource, and every moment counts in the life of an individual.

Surah Al-Asr then states that all of humanity is in a state of loss, except for those who possess four qualities: faith (Iman), righteous actions (Amal Salih), enjoining truth and patience (Tawasaw bil Haqqi wa Tawasaw bis Sabr). These qualities are essential for leading a successful and fulfilling life.

Faith (Iman) refers to a deep conviction and belief in Allah, His messengers, and the teachings of Islam. It entails recognizing the truth and submitting to the will of Allah.

Righteous actions (Amal Salih) encompass acts of kindness, charity, honesty, justice, and all deeds that align with the teachings of Islam. They reflect the sincerity and commitment of an individual to live a morally upright life.

Enjoining truth (Tawasaw bil Haqq) refers to encouraging one another to follow the truth and righteousness, and spreading goodness and justice in society. It involves promoting what is right and preventing what is wrong.

Patience (Tawasaw bis Sabr) emphasizes the importance of perseverance and steadfastness in the face of challenges and difficulties. It is the ability to remain steadfast on the path of righteousness and to endure hardships with patience and resilience.

Surah Al-Asr concludes by highlighting the significance of mutual counsel and reminding believers to remind one another about the importance of faith, righteous actions, and patience. This mutual support and encouragement are crucial for upholding the values and principles of Islam in society.

In summary, Surah Al-Asr emphasizes the value of time and the path to salvation. It emphasizes the importance of faith, righteous actions, enjoining truth, and patience. The surah serves as a reminder of the fleeting nature of time and the need to utilize it wisely in pursuing a righteous and meaningful life. It emphasizes the significance of mutual counsel and encourages believers to support and remind one another about the path of righteousness.

Read English Translated Version of Surah Al-Asr

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

1. By the ˹passage of˺ time!

2. Surely humanity is in ˹grave˺ loss,

3. except those who have faith, do good, and urge each other to the truth, and urge each other to perseverance.

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