Surah Al-A’la – English Translation

Basic Surah Info

Surah Number – 87
Number of Ayah – 19
Revealed City – Mecca
Juz Details – Juz 30 Ayah 1-19
Starting Page Number – 591th Page
Translated By Mustafa Khattab

Summary of Surah Al-A’la

Surah Al-A’la, the 87th chapter of the Quran, highlights the importance of recognizing and worshiping Allah, the Most High. It emphasizes the significance of spiritual growth and the pursuit of righteousness. It consists of 19 verses.

The chapter begins by exalting the name of Allah and declaring His supreme status. It emphasizes that Allah is the Most High, and His attributes of greatness and majesty are beyond comparison.

Surah Al-A’la then emphasizes the purpose of human existence, which is to worship and seek closeness to Allah. It encourages individuals to engage in acts of righteousness, such as prayer and charity, and to strive for personal and spiritual growth.

The chapter draws attention to the consequences of neglecting one’s spiritual responsibilities and indulging in worldly distractions. It highlights the outcome of those who reject the truth and choose to prioritize material pursuits over their relationship with Allah.

Surah Al-A’la emphasizes the importance of remembrance and gratitude towards Allah. It encourages individuals to reflect upon His signs in the creation of the universe and to acknowledge His blessings and favors.

The chapter concludes by reminding individuals of the Day of Judgment, when all will be held accountable for their actions. It emphasizes that on that day, wealth and worldly possessions will hold no value, and only the state of one’s heart and deeds will matter.

In summary, Surah Al-A’la highlights the importance of recognizing and worshiping Allah, the Most High. It emphasizes the significance of spiritual growth and the pursuit of righteousness. The chapter encourages individuals to engage in acts of righteousness, reflect upon Allah’s signs, and be grateful for His blessings. It also reminds individuals of the Day of Judgment and the importance of preparing for it through righteous actions.

Read English Translated Version of Surah Al-A’la

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

1. Glorify the Name of your Lord, the Most High,

2. Who created and ˹perfectly˺ fashioned ˹all˺,

3. and Who ordained precisely and inspired accordingly,

4. and Who brings forth ˹green˺ pasture,

5. then reduces it to withered chaff.

6. We will have you recite ˹the Quran, O Prophet,˺ so you will not forget ˹any of it˺,

7. unless Allah wills otherwise. He surely knows what is open and what is hidden.

8. We will facilitate for you the Way of Ease.

9. So ˹always˺ remind ˹with the Quran˺—˹even˺ if the reminder is beneficial ˹only to some˺.

10. Those in awe ˹of Allah˺ will be mindful ˹of it˺.

11. But it will be shunned by the most wretched,

12. who will burn in the greatest Fire,

13. where they will not ˹be able to˺ live or die.

14. Successful indeed are those who purify themselves,

15. remember the Name of their Lord, and pray.

16. But you ˹deniers only˺ prefer the life of this world,

17. even though the Hereafter is far better and more lasting.

18. This is certainly ˹mentioned˺ in the earlier Scriptures—

19. the Scriptures of Abraham and Moses.

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