Surah Ad-Dhuha – English Transliteration

Basic Surah Info

Surah Number – 93
Number of Ayah – 11
Revealed City – Mecca
Juz Details – Juz 30 Ayah 1-11
Starting Page Number –

Summary of Surah Ad-Dhuha

Surah Ad-Dhuha, the 93rd chapter of the Quran, offers solace and reassurance to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) during a period of personal distress. It emphasizes the blessings and mercy of Allah and encourages patience and gratitude. It consists of 11 verses.

The chapter begins by swearing oaths by the morning brightness (Ad-Dhuha) and the night, highlighting the contrast between light and darkness. It serves as a metaphor for the ups and downs in life and the alternating phases of difficulty and ease.

Surah Ad-Dhuha acknowledges the worries and concerns of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) during a time when revelations were temporarily paused. It assures him that Allah has not abandoned him and that the future will bring immense goodness and reward.

The chapter highlights the blessings and favors bestowed upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) by Allah. It mentions the transformation from a state of neediness to one of abundance and the various forms of support and guidance provided to him.

Surah Ad-Dhuha encourages patience and gratitude in times of adversity. It reminds the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and all believers that Allah is always present and watching over them. It assures that difficulties will be followed by ease and that patience and trust in Allah’s plan are essential.

The chapter concludes by urging the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to proclaim the favors of Allah and to be generous towards others. It encourages acts of kindness, charity, and compassion towards those in need.

In summary, Surah Ad-Dhuha offers solace to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) during a period of personal distress. It emphasizes the blessings and mercy of Allah, encourages patience and gratitude, and assures that difficulties will be followed by ease. The chapter emphasizes the importance of proclaiming Allah’s favors and engaging in acts of kindness and generosity.

Read English Transliteration of Surah Ad-Dhuha

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

1. Wad duhaa

2. Wal laili iza sajaa

3. Ma wad da’aka rabbuka wa ma qalaa

4. Walal-aakhiratu khairul laka minal-oola

5. Wa la sawfa y’uteeka rabbuka fatarda

6. Alam ya jidka yateeman fa aawaa

7. Wa wa jadaka daal lan fahada

8. Wa wa jadaka ‘aa-ilan fa aghnaa

9. Fa am mal yateema fala taqhar

10. Wa am mas saa-ila fala tanhar

11. Wa amma bi ni’mati rabbika fahad dith

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