Surah Abasa – English Translation

Basic Surah Info

Surah Number – 80
Number of Ayah – 42
Revealed City – Mecca
Juz Details – Juz 30 Ayah 1-42
Starting Page Number – 585th Page
Translated By Mustafa Khattab

Summary of Surah Abasa

Surah Abasa, the 80th surah of the Quran, highlights an incident involving the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and a blind man named Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum. It takes its name from the mention of “Abasa” (He frowned) in the surah. It consists of 42 verses.

The surah begins by narrating the incident where the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was engaged in a conversation with some influential people of the Quraysh. At that moment, Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum, a blind man, came to the Prophet seeking knowledge and guidance.

The Prophet’s attention was focused on the conversation, and he frowned and turned away from Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum. This action was disapproved by Allah, who revealed this surah to admonish the Prophet and remind him of his responsibilities towards all people, regardless of their social status.

Surah Abasa emphasizes the importance of giving equal attention and respect to all individuals, regardless of their status or abilities. It highlights that true righteousness lies in the character and conduct of a person, not in worldly achievements or social standing.

The surah reminds the Prophet and all believers that their primary responsibility is to deliver the message of Islam and guide people towards the path of righteousness. It cautions against prioritizing worldly matters over the well-being and guidance of individuals seeking knowledge and guidance.

Surah Abasa also addresses the attitude of those who are arrogant and reject the message of Islam. It warns about the consequences they will face on the Day of Judgment and the punishment they will receive for their disbelief and arrogance.

The surah encourages the Prophet and the believers to remain steadfast in the face of opposition and ridicule from the disbelievers. It assures them that their efforts in conveying the message of Islam will be rewarded, and Allah will be the ultimate judge of their actions.

Surah Abasa serves as a reminder of the importance of humility, kindness, and equal treatment towards all individuals, regardless of their circumstances. It reminds believers of the need to prioritize their responsibilities in spreading the message of Islam and guiding people towards the path of righteousness.

In summary, Surah Abasa narrates the incident where the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) frowned and turned away from a blind man seeking guidance. It highlights the importance of equal treatment and respect for all individuals. The surah emphasizes the need for believers to prioritize their responsibilities in conveying the message of Islam and warns against arrogance and disbelief.

Read English Translated Version of Surah Abasa

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

1. He frowned and turned ˹his attention˺ away,

2. ˹simply˺ because the blind man came to him ˹interrupting˺.

3. You never know ˹O Prophet˺, perhaps he may be purified,

4. or he may be mindful, benefitting from the reminder.

5. As for the one who was indifferent,

6. you gave him your ˹undivided˺ attention,

7. even though you are not to blame if he would not be purified.

8. But as for the one who came to you, eager ˹to learn˺,

9. being in awe ˹of Allah˺,

10. you were inattentive to him.

11. But no! This ˹revelation˺ is truly a reminder.

12. So let whoever wills be mindful of it.

13. It is ˹written˺ on pages held in honour—

14. highly esteemed, purified—

15. by the hands of angel-scribes,

16. honourable and virtuous.

17. Condemned are ˹disbelieving˺ humans! How ungrateful they are ˹to Allah˺!

18. From what substance did He create them?

19. He created them from a sperm-drop, and ordained their development.

20. Then He makes the way easy for them,

21. then causes them to die and be buried.

22. Then when He wills, He will resurrect them.

23. But no! They have failed to comply with what He ordered.

24. Let people then consider their food:

25. how We pour down rain in abundance

26. and meticulously split the earth open ˹for sprouts˺,

27. causing grain to grow in it,

28. as well as grapes and greens,

29. and olives and palm trees,

30. and dense orchards,

31. and fruit and fodder—

32. all as ˹a means of˺ sustenance for you and your animals.

33. Then, when the Deafening Blast comes to pass—

34. on that Day every person will flee from their own siblings,

35. and ˹even˺ their mother and father,

36. and ˹even˺ their spouse and children.

37. For then everyone will have enough concern of their own.

38. On that Day ˹some˺ faces will be bright,

39. laughing and rejoicing,

40. while ˹other˺ faces will be dusty,

41. cast in gloom—

42. those are the disbelievers, the ˹wicked˺ sinners.

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